5 Ways to Hemorrhage Cash with your Mobile Marketing Strategy
A solid mobile marketing campaign is a great way to increase revenue over time and otherwise promote brand awareness. However, plenty of businesses are actually losing rather than making money from mobile campaigns. So what are they doing wrong? Rather than discovering wasted time and money on your own mobile marketing strategy, check out five actions to avoid:
1) Wrong Ad Placement
Many businesses, big brands included, “fall for the lure” of television and radio ads for their mobile apps. Don’t rely heavily on television and radio ads to draw people to your mobile site or app. Instead, use traditional advertising for branding purposes and as a supplement to mobile ad networks and incentive-based download programs. The latter is a proven channel for mobile user acquisition.
2) No Optimization
Optimizing your website for mobile device use is essential to avoid losing money on a marketing strategy. It’s also a surefire way of deterring visitors, so when considering how to promote your business, be sure that mobile site optimization tops the list.
3) Unattractive Offers
The best small business ideas include enticing customers with fabulous offers. Any mobile marketing strategy that fails to pique prospect interest is doomed to fail, as it results in missed business opportunities and general brand damage. Avoid this by creating a campaign that encourages potential customers to engage with your business through their mobile devices. Think loyalty and time-based discounts, coupons, mobile-only offers, bulk purchase deals, and similar promotions.
4) Lack of Social Media Integration
Consumers mainly use mobile devices to check email and social media, so failing to integrate your mobile marketing strategy with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other channels means seriously reducing your audience. Tweets, Instagram pictures and Facebook posts are just some of the many social media-based options for reaching your target demographic and informing them of your app or mobile offers.
5) Not Following Up on Initial Marketing Efforts
Don’t make the mistake of letting marketing efforts wash down the drain following initial engagement. Acquiring customers means sustaining their interest, so rather than wasting time and money, “strike while the iron is hot” and begin building a relationship immediately. An automated system that is already in place after an initial download begins the engagement process or requests that the user opt-in. Either way, you’ll make certain your brand stays fresh in the minds of consumers.
Avoid these mistakes, identify metrics associated with the success of your campaign, and earn money effectively rather than lose it ignorantly
Posted at October 01 2014 03:06:50 PM by Nic D in Advertising, Apps, Marketing, Mobile Forecasts, Small Business, SMB Marketing Tips, SMS Marketing Ideas, Social Media Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)